Honouring Global School Play Day on February 3rd we wanted to talk about the connection between health and learning.

At PLAY, we embrace this connection, we don’t understand learning without health and vice versa, this is why we create apparel that promotes physical activity and connects children with their bodies. 

As a recently published article from Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University in order to improve both health and learning we should keep three messages in mind.

 #1: The brain and all other systems in the body interact with each other as they adapt to the environment. 

#2: Experiences during the prenatal period and first 2-3 years after birth affect lifelong health at least as much as they affect school achievement.

#3: Inflammation, as part of the body’s stress response, helps defend against infection, injury, and acute threat—but persistent inflammation in response to chronic adversity can have long-term, disruptive effects on physical and mental well-being.

As these messages might seem small actions, it is extremely important to be conscious and create stable environments and reduce stress. 

Actively help our children strengthen core skills like managing emotions and behavior or setting and meeting goals can have a big impact in their development. Something that might seem easy but in reality it can get complex or inexistent. 

Once we know what can help our children grow healthy and succeed, we can take action. First, we should all actively do it at home and then, we can also support organizations that fight poverty, racism, housing access, inclusion. That way, we are sure we can create a better scene for a brighter future for our children.

At PLAY, our contribution is to support inclusion. We partner with local manufacturers that employ people with disabilities under vulnerable situations. If we help these people, we can help their families and hence, we can impact the development of their children.


If you are interested in reading the full article where we took inspiration from you can read it here:


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